Italy - No. 116 Cattedrale Palermo. Dry cancel of photograph, photo dimension 24.6x19 cm / 4 scans

Italy - No. 116 Cattedrale Palermo. Dry Cancel Of Photograph, Photo Dimension 24.6x19 Cm / 4 Scans - Alte (vor 1900)
Italy - No. 116 Cattedrale Palermo. Dry Cancel Of Photograph, Photo Dimension 24.6x19 Cm / 4 Scans - Alte (vor 1900)
Italy - No. 116 Cattedrale Palermo. Dry Cancel Of Photograph, Photo Dimension 24.6x19 Cm / 4 Scans - Alte (vor 1900)
Italy - No. 116 Cattedrale Palermo. Dry Cancel Of Photograph, Photo Dimension 24.6x19 Cm / 4 Scans - Alte (vor 1900)
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